Make a Difference

Make a Difference

Make A Difference Collage

Sexuality education is an issue that’s near and dear to our hearts. And being educated about sexuality is just the first step in making a difference when it comes to a host of issues related to sexuality.

Just choose an issue below, and then choose one of three ways you can take action from signing a petition to sharing a story with your friends to starting a movement in your community.

However you decide to make a difference, share it with us and on your social networks! Tag us on Facebook! And if you tweet about it, make sure to include the hashtag #SexEtcTakeAction, so we can follow what you’ve done. You might even see your tweet on

step 1. choose a topic that interests you

step 2. choose an action

Pledge to End Sexual Assault

Making people aware that sex without consent is sexual assault, identifying situations in which sexual assault might happen, pledging to intervene in these situations and creating an environment in which sexual assault is unacceptable and survivors are supported can help end sexual violence.

Take the pledge to do all of the above, and then let your friends know #ItsOnUs to stop sexual assault.

Click “Sign Up!” below to read and sign the pledge.

When you’re done, come back and click on “Done It!” to let us know you signed the pledged and share it with your friends. You may be contacted by Sex, Etc. to learn more about why you think this issue is important!

Check back here often for other quick ways to take action on abuse and violence!

Shatter the Silence Around Sexual Violence with #IHaveTheRightTo

#IHaveTheRightTo is a social media campaign that engages participants to be a positive force for change bringing safety and respect to pop culture.

Some examples:
#IHaveTheRightTo find my voice and to use it when I am ready.
#IHaveTheRightTo be called a survivor, not an “alleged victim” or “accuser”.
#IHaveTheRightTo spend time with someone and be safe.

What do you have the right to? Click “Take action!” below and let your voice be heard.

Tell Your Senator: Teach Consent in Schools

Want to take a stand to end rape and sexual assault? Then stand up for consent education in schools. The U.S. Senate will vote on a bill that could make it mandatory to teach consent in high schools.

Click “Sign Up!” below to read and sign the petition from UltraViolet and tell your senator to support consent education in schools!

When you’re done, come back and click on “Done It!” to let us know you signed the petition and share it with your friends. You may be contacted by Sex, Etc. to learn more about why you think this issue is important!

Check back here often for other ways to take action on abuse and violence!

Volunteer at a Local Rape Crisis Center

When it comes to abuse and violence, one way you can make a difference is to volunteer at a local rape crisis center. These centers have volunteers and staff who operate 24/7 crisis telephone hotlines and they are trained on issues surrounding sexual violence and can provide access to other local resources as well.

Sign up below to find a local crisis center near you through RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) where you can apply to volunteer. If you become a volunteer, come back and click on “Done It!” to let us know. You may be contacted by Sex, Etc. to learn more about how you made a difference in your community!

Check back here often for other ways you can take action on issues related to abuse and violence!

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